Strawberry Balsamic Sauce
This recipe stems out of picking far too many strawberries to eat... Even though it has pectin, it is NOT a jam. I changed the proportions to make it more of a sauce and less sweet. I like it on Greek yogurt (pictured), ice cream, pancakes, chocolate cake... let your imagination go wild!
9 oz (~1.5 cups) strawberries, cut into quarters
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup sugar + 1.75 oz pectin (1 box), mixed together in a bowl
1/4 cup good quality balsamic vinegar
1. In a heavy bottom saucepan, heat the balsamic vinegar, strawberry quarters, and 3/4 cup sugar on med-high.
2. Heat until the sugar dissolves. Let it boil for 1 minute.
3. Add the pectin mix and stir for 1 minute.
4. Remove from heat, spoon into bottles, and let cool. Refrigerate after it cools.