Spicy Tomato Jam


This jam came into creation because I really dislike ketchup. It's sweet and doesn't taste like tomato to me. I've made a more than a few batches of the tomato jam, varying the spices and sugars, until I settled on the recipe below.  You can definitely make a smaller batch and keep it in the fridge if you don't want to go through the whole canning process.  I really like this jam as a spread (especially with cream cheese), as a topping for soups, spread on cheese or roasted veggies, and many other ways... It's not ketchup, but I'll actually eat this! =)


6 cups fresh tomatoes, chopped into big chunks

4 lemons, zest + juice (1/2 cup juice)

1 cup honey

1 cup white sugar

½ cup brown sugar

1.5 tbsp sea salt

1.5 tbsp grated ginger

1.5 tbsp red pepper flakes

1 tsp ground dried chipotle

1 tsp ground cinnamon

½ tsp ground cloves

¼ tsp ground nutmeg


  1. Put all the ingredients in a large heavy bottom pot (I use a Le Creuset dutch oven)

  2. Bring to a boil over high heat. Once it boils, lower the temperature to medium, so that it’s just simmering. Cook uncovered, stirring constantly, for 1.5-2 hours. You will know it’s getting close to done when the watery part is gone, and the mixture looks dark and sticky. Turn off the heat and stir it for another 5 minutes to ensure all the water is gone.

  3. While the tomatoes are simmering, prepare and sterilize jars for canning- I use this website for instructions: http://foodinjars.com/2013/07/new-to-canning-start-here-boiling-water-bath-canning/

  4. Fill the boiled jars, but leave ½ inch clear on top. Place the lid on, and lightly screw on the ring. Place the filled jars back in the hot water and boil for 15 mins. Once done, remove from the water and cool on a kitchen towel. Make sure the the jars are sealed by ensuring the lid doesn't come off.

  5. Store opened jars in the fridge.