Edgy Veggie Bytes

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Tindora Corn Shaak (vegetable)

Tindora Corn Shaak


1 tbsp oil

1 cup potatoes, sliced into small cubes (~1/4 inch)

3/4 cup arrabiatta sauce

3/4 cup water

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp ground red pepper (optional)

1/8 tsp turmeric powder

1/2 tsp ground cumin-coriander powder

1 cup frozen or fresh corn

40 tindora, sliced lengthwise into quarters

1 tsp lemon juice


1.  Heat the oil on high in a large non-stick pan.  Add the potatoes and cook for ~8 mins stirring constantly.

2.  Add the arrabiatta sauce, water, salt, red pepper, turmeric, cumin-coriander powder, corn, and tindora.  Cover and cook for an additional 20-25 min, stirring occasionally until the tindora is done (tender, but crunchy).

3.  Turn off the heat, mix in the lemon juice, and serve hot.