Edgy Veggie Bytes

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Pickled Watermelon Radish

Pickled Watermelon Radish


1 pound watermelon radishes, sliced as thin as possible

1/2 cups water

1/2 cups white vinegar

2 tsp sea salt

1 tsp sugar

2 whole bay leaves

2 garlic cloves, cut into quarters

1 tsp whole black peppercorns


1. Place the watermelon radishes in a large glass jar.

2. In a small saucepan, bring the remaining ingredients to a boil on med-high heat. Stir until the sugar dissolves, then turn the heat down and simmer for 2 minutes.

3. Pour the pickling juice into the glass jar on top of the watermelon radishes. Let it cool, then cover tightly and refrigerate until ready to eat. I let it sit for at least 30 mins, but the taste definitely gets better the longer it pickles.