Edgy Veggie Bytes

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Mixed Mushroom Ramp Quiche

Mushroom Ramp Quiche 2


1 crust of your choice, fully baked (I made a quinoa crust)- measurements below are for an 8 or 9 inch standard crust

1 tablespoons butter

8 ramp shoots, chopped fine

2 cups mixed mushrooms, cut into slices or cubes

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp ground black pepper

3 eggs

1 cup milk


1.  Melt butter in a large, heavy bottom skillet over med-high heat.  Add the ramps and saute ~3 mins.  Add the mushrooms, salt, and pepper and cook until the water from the mushrooms is gone (~10 mins).  Let this cool completely (very important!).

2.  In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and milk. 

3.  Stir in the cooled mushroom and ramps.

4.  Pour the mixture into the prepared crust until you are almost at the top (leave about 1/4 inch).  

5.  Bake at 325 F for ~1 hour (will turn a golden brown color on top).  Cool for at least half an hour.  Cut into desired size pieces and serve.