Edgy Veggie Bytes

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Mint Limeade

Limeade 2


14 small key limes

1/2 cup fresh mint

4 cups water

1 cup sugar

1 cup crushed ice (or more if you want it more dilute)

mint leaves (optional, for garnishing)


1.  Cut the limes in half and remove the seeds.

2.  Place the limes and mint in a blender with 3 cups of water.  Blend until all the pieces are gone.

3.  In a large pitcher, mix the sugar and remaining water until the sugar is dissolved.

4.  Pour the lime mixture through a strainer / colander with big holes.  Let it sit until all the liquid passes through (do not press or stir- it will make it bitter!).

5.  Add the lime mix and crushed ice to the pitcher and mix well.

6.  Serve cold with a few mint leaves on top.