Edgy Veggie Bytes

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Deviled Eggs

Deviled Eggs


12 eggs, hard boiled and cooled (I boil these the day before and then  refrigerate them so that they are easier to peel)

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1 tbsp dijon mustard

1 tsp liquid from the cornichons/pickles (or white vinegar)

2 tbsp cornichons or pickles, minced as small as you can

1 tbsp shallot, minced as small as you can

1/2 tbsp pimento, minced as small as you can (I pulled these out of olives that I had in my fridge)

salt and pepper to taste

paprika (to sprinkle on top)


1.   Peel the hard boiled eggs.  Using a sharp knife, cut the eggs in half.  Place the yolks in a medium mixing bowl and the whites on a serving tray.

2.  Mash the yolks with a fork.  Mix in the mayonnaise, mustard, and cornichon liquid until it becomes a smooth paste.  Mix in the minced cornichons/pickles, shallot, pimento, salt, and pepper.

3.  Fill the whites with the yolk mixture.  I used an icing bag with the biggest flower tip I had.  You can also use a small ice cream scoop, or just spoon it in and pat it into a mound.  Sprinkle paprika on top and store in fridge until you are ready to serve.